
Chlorine gas is generated risk not mix

Chlorine gas is generated "risk not mix"

May have been displayed in the rove and detergents and "Danger Do not mix".
Although referred to as "at risk", what the extent to which dangerous.
How do you even burn?
However, this is dangerous enough sometimes lose their lives.
And mix the acid detergent and chlorine bleach, chlorine occurs.
In an aqueous solution of sodium hypochlorite and acid contained in the chlorine bleach
That is included is because hydrogen ions to react.
To chlorine bleach, in addition to the acid detergent,
Mix vinegar or even lemon juice should not be.
Chlorine will occur.

Chlorine bleaching, there is excellent sterilization effect, is a very dangerous gas.
In the First World War, German troops were used as poison gas.
In fact, using both bleach and detergent as trying to clean up,
Would raise the chlorine gas, was also lost their lives housewife.
In 1987, this accident has occurred in Tokushima Prefecture.
Complained of pain so after cleaning in the bathroom, and "tired",
Was hastily carried to the hospital family.
However, the breathing is stopped after a few minutes, I would have died.
In the hospital I was subjected to artificial respiration and oxygen inhalation,
Has received a terrible damage to the lungs and blood vessels,
Had no effect.

Chlorine is also used to disinfect the pool.
However, the guard can not be "What, not it smell of pools".
Chlorine can earn under specific gravity is greater than air, even if there is a window towards the top.
Have polished the floor will not be escaped from the venom of chlorine
In addition to this accident, even reach up to death, such as nausea Sekiya
Accident has occurred for the inhalation of chlorine.
Before you can use both, frequently clean the dirt of light
Always try to do so.
Chlorine-based cleaning agents alone, there is another danger.
Chlorine-based cleaning agent (bleach, agents such as mold takes) is a component of
Those containing sodium hypochlorite is alkaline.
Alkaline substances, there is dissolve the protein nature of the human body.

For example, a book, placed in a glass cup of hair,
Let's put about 20cc pipe cleaning agent or agents to take mold to it.
Then, the hair will be from black tea.
Bleaching effect and it may seem, it is not the only.
Gradually becomes thinner, about 10 minutes after you have melted back.
Slimy if you add on the fingers, the skin will melt.
If you get in your eyes, there is a risk of corneal blindness dissolve the protein.
And think that, well you can fall well fall a lot, is more dense,
What awaits him is a terrible danger.
Make sure to read the usage notes, let's use carefully properly.
In particular, when you spray, but please be careful so as not turning a blind eye to.

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